Defense Against a Baseball Swing - Two High Forearms

Technique Review 

Shalom everyone. Again, you and I in this week’s technique review. And again, we’re with sticks, and this time, again, the baseball swing, but that … Dealing with a problem using the two forearm defenses. . .

Video transcript

Shalom everyone. Again, you and I in this week’s technique review. And again, we’re with sticks, and this time, again, the baseball swing, but that … Dealing with a problem using the two forearm defenses.

Natural response. We talked about the natural responses. One is like this, hiding, protecting the front, the center. And the other one is, sacrificing the hands, sending the … Trying interact, engage, intercept, that’s what I was looking for, this word. Intercept the attack with two hands. What it look like? It looks like, for example, the break fall, yes. So, you remember the break fall? Hard break fall, soft break fall, we’re sending hands down to meet the floor. Could be we shock absorbing, it can be hard break fall. This is the hard break fall. This one, this is the one that we can use.

So, now Jonathan, please. Now imagine there’s a situation that the baseball swing is coming towards my head, slowly, don’t hit, yes. Good. And my natural response is something like that. What will happen? Well, break my hands. So, what do we do in this? We need to do the defense in the correct distance. The correct range. Early, and not to meet the fast moving, slowly, the fast moving part of this stick, which will break me, or cause me that relatively much damage. What do we say? He’s attacking, we go in. Do it fast.

So when he’s attacking fast … Attack fast. I go in, catch him early. And then catch where the momentum is small. Low. Here. So we say, around the note. I call it his note, where he’s holding, around the note. As a question, with which leg am I forward? Because if my left leg is forward, I will move with my left leg. It’s very simple. If I’m in this position and I raise my left leg, I fall to him. We discussed a few times. If I’m like this, my left leg is forward, I fall forward. If we say that we are in this position, my left leg is forward, I raise my left leg then I move forward. Very fast. Very early. I catch him early.

If my right leg is forward, I raise my right leg and I push with my left. I push with my back leg. So we’re saying that is natural response. He’s attacking, I go. In this case I can go a little bit to the outside, and have a bit more time. Look where the stick is … One more time. I’m with my left, look where the stick is, I caught him much earlier. Here I moved more to the outside, I caught him later, and I was a bit shock absorbing. Better with the shock absorbing.

Let’s talk about the shock absorbing. So imagine there’s the impact here, I will have to minimize the impact. Always. Even if it’s low impact I still would like to minimize it. So minimizing is with the following … One, fleshy part. Two, slanted, so it’s an angle. So there will be little bit of disbursement of the pressure, of the impact on larger area. And a bit of circling, absorbing with the elbow and the shoulder. And from here, this side, would you like to grab with the right, punch with the left? Or grab with the left punch with the right? Depends on you.

Natural reaction. Use it. Now, if we say that I need to go in, better drop a little bit. Contract the abdominals. Raise the leg. The moment he’s attacking I contract the abdominals with automatically I’m moving forward more. The moment I moved forward with my chest I’ve got the bag leg, so I can push much better. The moment you move forward you balance with the glutes, contract the glutes so you can press push with the back leg stronger. The moment he’s attacking me, I go to him. And what we say is because you want to go, and you want to use two forearms at the parallel, palms forward, you will like to cover different levels. You may need to even go a bit lower.

For example, if he’s going to hit my knee, I will go even lower, if I can react properly. That’s the idea. So, that’s the thinking. Parallel elbows, parallel palms, same distance between the two forms. Contract abdominal, move in as fast as … As early as you can. This is the essence of this technique.

When you look at other techniques that we have that are in same line, for example, against the high roundhouse kick. Would you drop the stick, give me a high roundhouse kick to the head? What was done here? Very simple. I am doing the same type of response. One more time. But I go, and very early, strike. So similar techniques, so you can see these techniques against horizontal strike with a stick, against high roundhouse kick, the break fall forward, soft or hard. They’re all in the same concept, okay. And that’s why they are all similar. Same natural response is the foundation for them all. Thank you. Guys, see you next time. All the best.

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