P4 Training Program

P4 Lecture/Theory I

Imi started as a sportsman, gymnastics, wrestling, and boxing, but then he had to transition….

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Imi started as a sportsman, gymnastics, wrestling, and boxing, but then he had to transition. He had to change and become a defender. He had to defend himself. He had to defend his people, his friends. He has to defend the Jewish quarters against the fascist thugs. At the latest stage, he used all the information, the experience that he had, all he invented and acquired, and start giving it to people. It’s a teaching. He was teaching in the resistance in Israel, he was teaching the Israeli defense forces. This was his mission, his goal in life, to pass the information forward so everybody would be able to defend himself, herself, or others.

When we deal with Krav Maga, when we practice, when we acquire the knowledge, the experience, when we acquire the skills, we must do good with this. You must develop responsibility. The knowledge, the abilities, the proficiency, the capabilities you’ve got and acquired, you must use them correctly. Not to harm others, the opposite. Your job is to develop responsibility and be able to defend yourself, defend others in time of need.

A. Rolls and Break-Falls

  1. Break-fall backward and sideways - from height.
  2. Forward roll and remain on the ground

Notes: For adults, this subject may be considered to be tested in full at higher levels (until G1).

B. Kicks

  1. Regular (vertical) kick backward - to three main distances
  2. Regular scissors kick

C. Defenses Against Low Straight Punches

  1. Inside defense - with forearm; emphasis on elbow movement
  2. Outside scooping defense

Notes: Use either the forward or rear hand and counterattack as soon as possible.

D. Inside Forearm Defenses Against Punches – Raised Elbow, Low Palm
Attacker approaches diagonally from the side

  1. Medium height - defense (from passive stance) against a straight punch to the ribs
  2. High - against a straight punch towards the head or chest, elbow circles inward

Notes: The first counterattack is an outward horizontal hammer strike with the defending hand.

E. Defenses Against Straight Punch Combination - Left/Right

  1. Two inside defenses with the palms and counterattack
  2. Hand defenses while leaning back, kicking with the front leg (regular or side kick)


F. Defenses Against Punch Combinations (Outside and Inside Defenses)

  1. Defending against any combination of two punches - one straight and one circular
    1. Two defenses with one hand
    2. Two defenses with two hands
  2. Defending against any combination of two circular

Notes: Counterattack as early as possible.

G. Releases from Chokes

  1. Choke from the front - body turn and upper arm release (wiping face)
  2. Choke from behind- body turn and upper arm release (brought to temple)
  3. Against a Hand Covering Mouth - defender's is caught from behind

Note: Techniques nos. 1 and 2 above are especially effective when assailant is pushing.

H. Releases from Bear Hugs - Arms Free

  1. Release from bear hug from the front – Push to nose or eyes.
  2. Release from bear hug from behind:
    1. Elbow strikes to head
    2. With lock on finger

I. Releases from Bear Hugs - Arms Caught

  1. Release from bear hug from the front – counterattack and take hand out.
  2. Release from bear hug from behind - counterattack and take hand out.
    1. When bear hug is high, counter & escape under arms.

Notes: Train on the use of a shout and a bite against a bear hug from the front.

J. Releases from Bear Hugs from the Side - Variations on the Above Sections H & I

  1. Release from bear hugs whether arm/s caught or free – attacker grabs from the side. Use learnt techniques and principles

K. Dealing with Attempts to Grab and with Dangerous Arm / Wrist Grabs

  1. Prevention: removing the target; defending the target
  2. Attacker grabs and pulls/drags – advance and apply relevant counter attacks
  3. Attacker grabs and attacks with strikes or other ways – relevant defenses and counterattacks

L. Releases from Various Hand / Wrist Grabs

  1. One hand grabbing one hand (low), diagonally or across - Low hold (underhand)
  2. One hand grabbing one hand (high), diagonally or across - High hold (overhand)
  3. Two hands grabbing one hand, low or high holds - two kinds of assistance:
    1. Assist by grabbing fist of caught hand
    2. Assist by removing one grabbing hand
  4. Two hands grabbing two hands, low or high hold
  5. Two hands grabbing two hands, from behind
  6. Release from a strong handshake

Note: Be familiar with the application of the principles: axis and leverage (not pulling); escaping by way of an opening or towards the thumb; circular movements; and using the other hand for assistance.

M. Against Stick Attacks - Defending Overhead and Side Swings

  1. Against one hand overhead attack - Stabbing defense to the live side
  2. Against two hands overhead attack (or attacker is off center)
  3. Horizontal (baseball) Swings –
    1. From passive stance - Front hand down and the back hand up.
    2. From ready stance – Defend with two forearms, positioned high

N. Fighting Games - 4 Against 1

  1. Against straight punches; Against a regular kick and a straight punch

P. Returning Attacker

  1. Following the defender's technique, the attacker returns with a relevant attack, with/out a weapon

Q. Fighting Skills (defend -- attack -- defend)

  1. Emphasizing on changes of distance
  2. Using the principles of:
    1. Bursting forward and circling after
    2. Circling around and bursting forward
  3. Determination drills
    1. Attacker – Disturber – Target
    2. Attacker – Target – Holder (from behind)
  4. Slow fighting
  5. Light fighting with minimal protective gear (light contact)

R. Simulation and Tactics – P4 – Two attackers approaching from different directions

  1. 2 Vs. 1 - Bear Hug (later a Headlock) from Behind and a Second Attack from the Front Description: A trap made by two attackers. One approaches from behind, the other from the front.

Responding to Opponent's Response

  • Trainee attacks with front kick to the groin and opponent retreats in various directions. Trainee continues with sliding and/or kicking.
  • As in no. 1 above, but the opponent can move diagonally or straight forward. Trainee may use short-range kicks and/or attacks with the hands.

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