Ground Fighting

Dealing with Falls: P1 - Ground Fighting

There are three ways of getting up. Here, it’s getting up while attacking. Reach to your side while performing attacks, push with the palm …

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There are three ways of getting up. Here, it’s getting up while attacking. Reach to your side while performing attacks, push with the palm, be on your bum, knee, and ball of the foot of the base leg while kicking. This is a stomping kick; the head, the hip, the heel, and the target should be on one line.

Get up first and distance yourself from the danger zone. From a readily upright sitting position, turn steadying the head to its opposite side. The legs like in the figure four, turn, raise your butt, and flee the scene. One can use one hand or two hands to support to start off the running.

Get up in place with a bit of retreat, can be done with one or two hands. You support yourself with the hand and with the opposite foot, raise and turn your body, take the lower leg out and retreat a bit, stand upright into the ultimate stance. Be sure you scan the area, be sure you are aware of your surroundings.

If you fall, you need to protect yourself. This can be done with a break-fall, or with a roll. Execute the break-fall from your knees when you are in a squat or low position, and when you are in a straight stance. Remember to send your hands under the shoulders as you move towards the ground, turn your head to the side and lift it.

The same exact break-fall can be done if you fall towards a wall. Before hitting the wall, use a break-fall. This can be done as a preparation to dissolve the break-fall to the ground. If an opponent cause you to fall down, you may need to deal with him. Turning rapidly and using attacks, and then continuing to get up in one of the three ways is most advisable.

Turning should be rolling to the side while entering with the opposite leg, with the opposite knee, between yourself and the ground. Falling with spin and momentum, you will need a roll. 90 degrees between your palms, placing the front hand with the fingers sideways in front of your front leg. Hide your head under the armpit. Roll from the hand to the shoulder, to the opposite hip.

Figure four of the legs. The butt of the foot of the high leg should be aligned with the knee of the low leg. The low leg should be on the knee and butt of the foot. The high leg that will be the back leg should be on the ball of the foot.


Dealing with Falls

  1. Get up from the ground
    1. Forward, with attacks
    2. Fast disengagement
    3. Into a ready stance
  2. Forward soft break-fall (towards a wall; from a standing position; if needed, from knees)
  3. Forward roll - right shoulder for right-handed practitioners

Releases While on Ground

  1. Release from a front choke; assailant kneeling by the defender's side - pluck, push and insert knee; push and kick

Dealing With Falls

  1. Backward break-fall
  2. Forward, with attacks
  3. Backward roll - left shoulder (for right-handed practitioners)

Choke Releases While on the Ground

  1. Attacker sitting on the defender - pluck and bridge - one hand remains holding
  2. Attacker between the legs of the defender – pluck with one hand and insert knee

Ground Fighting

  1. Defending against a “shoot to the legs”
  2. Sticky hands game (1. mounted; 2. guard)
  3. Attacking from all positions
  4. Defending against a person sitting on the defender (mounted) and punching

Defending Against a Tackle, 'Shoot to the Legs' (or to the Lower Body)

  1. Long distance – kick
  2. Middle distance - stop with hands or strikes; punch or a knee strike
  3. Short distance – forearm defense
  4. Move backward and slam with both forearms (sprawl)
  5. Defender is caught – stabilize; counterattack (neck; head; eyes; back's vulnerable points)

Dealing With Falls

  1. Sideways break-fall
  2. Forward roll - using the left shoulder (for right-handed students)
  3. Backward roll - using the right shoulder (for right-handed students)
  4. Fall backward, turn and soft break-fall forward
  5. Forward high rolls - for distance and/or height

Note: For adults, this subject may be tested in full at higher levels (until G1).

Escaping Side Headlocks on the Ground

  1. When both hands are under - pull sensitive points with both hands; roll sideways
  2. When one hand is free - pull back sensitive point and wrap one leg around neck
  3. When low attacker - Climb onto attacker; counter-attack

Simulation and Tactics – P3 (Timeline from/on the Ground)

  1. Picnic simulation: timeline from a sitting position - against a choke; against a strike

Ground Fighting

  1. Changing position – from cross-mount (low) to mount (high)
  2. Applying an arm-bar from different positions
  3. Applying a carotid artery restraint (headlock strangulation), from different positions

Rolls and Break-Falls

  1. Break-fall backward and sideways - from height.
  2. Forward roll and remain on the ground

Notes: For adults, this subject may be considered to be tested in full at higher levels (until G1).

Rolls and Break-Falls

  1. Combination of rolls (forward/backward) and break-falls (all types)

Notes: For adults, this subject may be considered to be tested in full at higher level (G1).

Escaping Chokes on the Ground

  1. Attacker sitting on the defender - applying a very close, low choke
  2. Attacker sitting on the defender - choking with straight elbows

Notes: Practice various and multiple counterattacks; end the scenario in a standing position.

Ground - Opponent Standing or Sitting on Top and Punching

  1. Attacker punching from a mount position - defend, counterattack, trap, bridge.
  2. A standing opponent tries to strike – hand and body defense, counter with kicks (punch at close range).

Dealing with Falls

  1. Hard break-fall forward (when needed, trainee will be tested falling from the knees).
  2. Sideways roll

Takedowns and Throws

  1. Big sweep - from the outside
  2. Machine gun takedown - from the side (head to back of the opponent)

Releases From Wrist Grabs While on the Ground
(attacker has mounted the defender)

  1. Slide /circle one hand, throw with hip, roll and counterattack.
  2. Grab one hand overhead, bridge and roll to the grabbed side.

Escaping from Headlocks and Chokes While on the Ground

  1. Escape from choke (or head slam) while attacker is sitting on defender (face-down)
    1. Use a pluck and turn.
    2. Use the upper arm and turn.
  2. Escaping a headlock from behind - (starting from a sitting position) - free a leg and turn.
  3. Escaping a headlock from behind while attacker is sitting on defender (face-down).

Defending Against a Standing Opponent When Defender is on the Ground

  1. Attacker delivers a regular kick to the head / upper body – outside forearm defense
  2. Attacker delivers a stomping kick to the upper body – inside forearm defense
  3. Attacker jumps high on the defender and stomps with one or two legs - clam-like
  4. "Free work" - against combinations of attacks – includes relevant tactical moves.

Takedowns and Throws

  1. Front sweep kick (low roundhouse kick)
  2. Shoulder-push takedown (pull opponent’s knees) - From the rear
  3. Double leg takedown – from the front

Escaping Holds in a Sitting Position(using previous principles and techniques)

  1. Methods for getting up from a chair – in place, forward, sideways, backward.
  2. Falling backward from a chair
  3. Escaping from chokes; four directions
  4. Escaping a headlock from behind

Defending an Attempt to Throw (attacker coming from front or side)

  1. Attacker approaches to grab clothing or body, low or high – prevention
  2. Attacker grabbed and attempts to throw – appropriate push, lower central mass and attack.

Ground Fighting – Attacking while on the Ground (end in a standing position)

Required attacks and actions are: all relevant types of striking and kicking; locking fingers; grab and press; shouting; trapping and limiting hands of opponent. Finish by getting up.

  1. Attacking from the mount (on top) position – when on or under.
  2. Attacking from the cross-mount position – when on or under.
  3. Attacking in the guard position – when in or under.

Defenses Against Circular or Straight Knife Attacks - In a Seated Position

  1. From long range, attacker starts in front of the defender or at his side – use the chair or kick (supported lifting body) - attacker can approach from all directions.
  2. Hand defenses - attacker can approach from all directions.

Defense Against Knife Attacks on the Ground - Lying Down (Face-Up)

Standing op

  1. Standing opponent, coming from the side, with a downward stab.
  2. Opponent sitting on defender, attempting a downward stab.

Simulations of Real-Life Situations/Scenarios

  1. After falling or being thrown or taken to the ground, dealing with a standing or a tight (controlling) attacker.
  2. Two attackers approach a Seated Defender. Dealing with Kicks and Knife Attacks.

Dealing with a Continuous Attacker -- Whilst releasing from previously learnt releases on the ground

  1. Attacker launches more attacks during counteraction done by the defender.

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